Longwall systems

R100 block assembly

  • Built to operate longer with more efficiency. Built to operate longer with more efficiency.

Built to operate longer with more efficiency

Optimized for productivity and designed to withstand the adverse conditions of longwall cutting applications, the R100 is the first-ever Joy block assembly developed to be a dedicated rotating sleeve block assembly. This assembly features a larger diameter block body that helps increase strength and durability. The rotating sleeve allows the cutting system to have dual-bit rotation, which enables both the bit and the sleeve to rotate independently, keeping the bit sharp and durable. The rotating sleeve design also eliminates the use of cumbersome installation and extraction tools, which can help reduce maintenance and downtime in the field. The larger sleeve diameter that overlaps the block body helps protect it from impact and abrasion.

  • Dual-bit rotation helps keep the bit sharp, durable and efficient
  • Rotating sleeve eliminates cumbersome installation and extraction tools
  • Larger sleeve diameter protects the block from impact and abrasion