Maintain premiere performance from your original Komatsu bolting machine with a replacement bolting head. This update can help keep your operation up and running and helps minimize downtime. Choose from five bolting heads to fit the needs of your equipment and operation.
Indexing system
Bolter heads incorporate two independent feed systems mounted on a rotational indexing system. Allows for convenient and precise lineup of rock bolts with drilled holes.
Flexible bolt centralizer
Allows the centralizer to flex out of the way of the bolt driver. Built with pliable yet durable materials designed to enhance your hard rock drilling operation.
Patented screen handler
Mounted directly to the bolter stinger tube. This option makes it convenient for your operators to hang screen material from the machine’s enclosed cabin or canopy.
Hydraulic centralizer
Patented, flexible bolt centralizer designed for increased drilling productivity. Allows for longer drill depth or drill steel extensions.
Bolt carousel
Available option for quick loading of up to nine bolts, including all four major bolt types. Hydraulically operated from the unit, promoting increased bolting cycle efficiency.
Independent feeds
Help operators get into narrow and awkward spaces. Lightweight aluminum components are durable and cost-effective.