Beginning January 1, 2024, the California Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act (AB 1305) requires certain companies to disclose, on the company website: 1) information documenting how statements by the company (or a related or affiliated company) regarding reductions in carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions were determined to be accurate or accomplished; 2) how interim progress toward any such goal is being measured; and 3) whether there is any independent third-party verification of company data.
Komatsu Ltd. (collectively with its affiliates, “Komatsu”) defines environmental conservation efforts as one of its highest priorities, and endeavors to contribute to the sustainable growth of society by integrating advanced technologies into environmental conservation efforts, including the reduction or elimination of CO2 emissions, in all business activities.
Each year, Komatsu publishes an ESG Databook reporting environmental data gathered from manufacturing facilities and logistics offices worldwide. The Databook is located at ESG databook (archive) | CSR & Environmental Report (Archive) | CSR, Environment|Komatsu Ltd. ( and uses the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, including a GRI Content Index linking the content of each GRI Standard Disclosure to its specific location within the Databook (GRI content index | GRI content index | CSR, Environment|Komatsu Ltd. (
Komatsu’s CO2 reduction objectives are certified Science Based Targets (SBT) consistent with the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets of COP21 (Paris Agreement). The disclosures in the Databook are independently audited by Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. (assurance_report_2023_en.pdf (
Detailed information regarding Komatsu’s greenhouse gas emissions, SBTs, and the methodology used to calculate and verify progress toward achieving our SBTs and emissions reduction pathway can be found in the Data section of the ESG Databook and by following the links to the locations identified in GRI 305: Emissions 2016 of the GRI Content Index.
In accordance with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, Komatsu has implemented a framework for management oversight of climate change response whereby designated Committees address climate change related matters and report to the Board of Directors. Further information on climate change governance and strategy is provided in the Sustainability section of Komatsu’s Annual Report (kr23e_04.pdf (