Equipment monitoring and analysis

Remote health management

The mining industry is highly innovative in its quest for greater efficiency and safety. And remote health monitoring of your Komatsu and P&H equipment can play a key role in that mission. Keeping equipment up and running with health data can be a key factor in helping you control costs and drive profits.


Optimize performance with machine health data

  • Provides timely, efficient machine health and performance knowledge
  • Recognizes familiar patterns and deviations from normal control limits
  • Connects current issues with past occurrences to identify patterns
  • Enables you to identify and carry out the right actions at the right times to increase asset utilization, efficiency and production
Komatsu onboard systems

All together. Connect. Collect. Monitor. Analyze. Track. Review.

A collaborative environment enhances the benefits of your remote health monitoring (RHM) system.
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В Komatsu вы получаете необходимые вам продукты, ресурсы и инструменты — так быстро, как они вам нужны. Потому что нашим главным приоритетом является надежность вашей машины.

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